At HomeMade cleaning services, we believe that love and a helping hand is the best way to do our jobs, so relax, give us a call, and let us do the rest.
Rest assured, the high quality of our services is what have been looking for.
You will be glad to know that what makes us stand out is our way of caring; we care about your home as we care about ours, so whatever is important to you in your home is just as important to us.
Who are we? We are a family business and have a great fully qualified team so everything we have created for this company has come from a place of genuine care and respect.
Our team has the same intention at heart and in mind every time we enter our clients’ apartments.
We will always handle everything with gentleness and love. We believe that in a city as it is NYC so chaotic and always at full speed; We all deserve a little bit of great, amazing help and our homes a lot of love and that is why we created this small company.
HomeMade Owner
Vivo en NYC con mi esposo y mis dos hijas hace 8 años, soy colombiana con un gran espiritu de trabajo y de lograr muchas metas puestas en mi corazon.
Con profesión de administradora de empresas que he tenido por mas de 15 anos en el sector empresarial con experiencia de restaurentes y emprendimientos personales.
Llegue a la area de este negocio especialmente por la razon que muchos tienen cuando vienen a USA, a salir adelante y la verdad me ha gustado poder ayudar en los hogares de cada uno de nuestros clientes, poder sembrar una semilla de apoyo para ellos.
I've lived in NYC with my husband and two daughters for 8 years, I’m Colombian with a big work spirit and many goals to achieve in my heart.
With experience managing businesses for over 15 years in the area of restaurants and my own personal ventures.
The reason I have been in this line of business is because of the need anyone who has ever come to the USA has, to keep bettering themselves and pushing themselves, and the truth is I have enjoyed helping all of my clients keep their homes beautiful, and to be able to plant a seed of support for them.